Heimat- und Trachtenverein

der Börde Elsdorf e.V.

We about us ...

The „Heimat- und Trachtenverein“ was founded 17th April 1986. Its members made it their task to keep the old civilization alive. Therefore we are dancing 150 year old dances in traditional costumes, weave on original looms and try to meet new people. We are not only concentrating on the area close to our home, but also foreign countries. The club has good connection to groups in Sweden, the Netherlands and the United States of America.

Mainly we dance the "Elsdorfer Bunten" – that is how the original dances in our hometown are called. In northern Germany we are having several appearances. We are participating at the „Tag der Niedersachsen“ (means „day of lower saxony), the „Landestrachtenfest Niedersachsen“ and more small festivities and jubilees. Adding them all up we are doing up to 30 appearnaces a year. 

Everybody who enjoys dancing or wants to support our group with playing an instrument (ex. the accordion) is welcome to join us. 

If you want us on your event simply contact us personally or by E-Mail


Ingrid GRIMM, Lange Strasse 42, D-27404 Elsdorf, ( 049 42 86 50 7

Vice Chairman

Horst WILDHAGEN, Lange Strasse 38, D-27404 Elsdorf, ( 049 42 86 13 52

2. Vice Cairman

Bernhard SCHROEDER, Am Thie, D-27404 Elsdorf, ( 049 42 86 17 19





Grown ups: every second Sunday and last Thursday of the month; 20.00 h in „Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Elsdorf“


Kids and Teens: Kids and teens meet every two weeks mondays from 17.00 - 18.00 Uhr in the gym Elsdorf, to practise for their big appearances. Everybody who is interested is welcome



Biking tour


Every year at Whitmonday Meeting point: „Elsdorfer Hof“ at 10.00 h



International Twinclubs:

Axevalla Folkdansgille“ aus Skara - Schweden

Museumsverein „De Wemme“ aus Zuidwolde - Niederlande

„Plattdütscher Vereen“ aus Cole Camp in Missouri - USA


On the attic of the Elsdorfer communityhouse the „Heimat- und Trachtenverein der Börde Elsdorf“ built up severals historic looms again. They are up to 300 years old. Everybody has the possibility to participate on weaving courses to have work on one of those historical looms. For more information contact the head of the club or mail us.

 Text by Lars Viebrock, Pressewart Heimat- und Trachtenverein der Börde Elsdorf, Feb. 2000